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9 février 2012 4 09 /02 /février /2012 21:39

Scottish PEN has initiated a petition for the release of Ragip and his son Deniz Zarakolu and Prof. Busra Ersanli. The petition can be accessed through the below link.


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8 février 2012 3 08 /02 /février /2012 23:37


Call To Unite For Academic Freedoms




International Work Group


Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research in Turkey


At a time when Turkey must come to term with and generate new solutions for the fundamental issues that plague its social and political history, the unhampered dissemination of knowledge to nourish public debate, and the free conduct of scientific research, of all types of intellectual activity and of academic education has become ever more imperative.

Despite such a need, we scientists are witnessing a dangerous escalation in the influence and pressure exerted by political and social power holders on universities. Students, faculty members, journalists and editors are being taken under custody and arrested, faculty members are subjected to administrative investigations, research is hindered through direct and indirect obstacles, the insecurity and vulnerability of academic staff is heightened by the commercialization of university education. These pressures have cast disrepute on academia and academic activity. Especially those of us who are researching and lecturing on issues that are considered taboo are suffering from this disrepute as our intellectual and social conditions of existence are being seriously constrained. The failure to produce and disseminate knowledge on matters of urgency in Turkey is an impediment to solving vital problems. Yet, overcoming numerous problems with heavy social and political costs depends on safeguarding freedom of expression and research.


We, the undersigned academics, call on academics and instructors of any title and job description to join the International Work Group for Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research in Turkey (GITTürkiye) with their signatures and contributions. As part of an international network operating in France, North America, the UK, Switzerland and Germany, GITTürkiye will provide information based on documents concerning all sorts of pressure and impediments to which academics, instructors and researchers are subjected, organize conferences, seminars, panels and press briefings on conditions under which education and research are conducted, and publicize these via internet and the press. In solidarity with students, translators, editors and journalists whose educational and research-related activities have been constrained by similar kinds of pressure, GITTürkiye will struggle against the oppression that intellectuals are facing in Turkey.

The time has come for us to find in each other the power to construct the ground for free knowledge production and dissemination.


Prof. Dr. Füsun Üstel (Galatasaray Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Durakbaşa (Marmara Univ.)

Doç. Dr. Zeynep Gambetti (Boğaziçi Univ.)

Doç. Dr. Ferda Keskin (Bilgi Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Günay Göksu Özdoğan (Marmara Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Ahmet İnsel (Galatasaray Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Mesut Yeğen (Şehir Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Ümit Cizre (Şehir Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Levent Köker (Atılım Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar (Ankara Univ.)

Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran

Prof. Dr. İştar Gözaydın (Doğuş Univ.)



Please send an e-mail specifying your title and, when applicable, the university you are affiliated with, to one of the addresses below to become part of GITTürkiye:


Zeynep Gambetti: zgambetti@gmail.com

Nesrin Uçarlar: nesrinucarlar@gmail.com



For more information:

www.gitinitiative.com is the web site that presents the initiative at the international level, coordinates representatives and activities and publicizes events.


http://gitturkiye.com is the web site of the work group in Turkey.

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5 février 2012 7 05 /02 /février /2012 11:10

Turkish journalists are very frightened – but we must fight this intimidation

A journalist's murder and jailing of two others is an attempt to silence the media – but it makes me more determined to speak

By Ece Temelkuran

guardian.co.uk, Friday 27 January 2012 18.33 GMT

GIT Mustafa Ozer AFP Getty 

Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was gunned down outside his office in Istanbul. Photograph: Mustafa Ozer/AFP/Getty



Including my emotionless "thank you", the phone conversation lasted less than a minute. "The newspaper's owner has decided… Er… not to… renew your contract… I am sorry."

I had already been warned about writing "too much" about two arrested journalists, and my last two articles – one on the prime minister's war on journalists, and the other on the rights of the Kurdish people – were considered controversial. So the conversation was not unexpected.

But then came the readers' uproar on Twitter. Some of my fellow columnists too protested about the political motives behind my firing – while government supporters said: "She deserved it!" .

It took me several days to see the bigger picture. But when I did I realised it was all connected to three lost colleagues: one dead and two imprisoned and a story that started five years ago.

On 19 January 2007 the Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was shot dead in broad daylight in front of his office in Istanbul. A man who was just 17 years old at the time of the killing was found guilty of his murder five years later. Yet from day one it was obvious to those who know the history of assassinations in Turkey that this was a political killing.

The murder occurred just two days before I was supposed to meet Hrant to discuss a book he wanted me to write about the Armenian diaspora. Instead, I raced to the scene and found myself standing outside his offices in a pool of his blood.

Afterwards I felt deeply guilty for taking the death threats against him too lightly, making me more determined to write Deep Mountain – the book he asked for. I didn't know it then, but among the 100,000 people who marched at Hrant's funeral, there were also two others eager to dedicate their work to him: my friends and colleagues Nedim Sener and Ahmet Sık.

During the next four years articles in the newspaper Milliyet pointed to the police's negligence in the case, the intelligence service concealing evidence, and the fact government departments knew in advance of a murder plot against Dink.

Yet soon it was the author of these reports, Nedim Sener, who was arrested. The arrest came three months after publishing his book The Red Friday – Who broke Dink's Pen?, which brought together his findings on Dink's case and linked the murderers with the state. Reporter Ahmet Sık, meanwhile, did not even have time to publish his book on the same subject before he was arrested, on the same day – March 3 2011.

Both men have now been in jail for 11 months and are accused of being members of a terrorist organisation that might have killed Dink. This is Ergenekon, a clandestine organisation supposedly consisting of retired generals, journalists and politicians who are said to have planned a string of high profile assassinations to create chaos and lay the ground for a military coup.

The indictment in court said their years of journalistic work were just a cover to hide their real terrorist identity. Open threats from the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, against journalists who continued to cover news about their arrested colleagues led to protests against their arrests gradually fading away before Nedim and Ahmet's first hearing months after they were imprisoned.

But on 27 December, despite fearing arrest, Turkey's brave journalists started tweeting from the trial. The weak evidence made it clear any one of us reporters could also be arrested and accused of terrorism; because all that linked Ahmet, Nedim and the Ergenekon organisation was an infected Word document in their computers, casual phone conversations and interviews that they carried out for their respective books. The indictment was so ridiculous that it caused constant laughter in the court room.

Before their last hearing of 23 January, five years after his murder, there was a verdict in Dink's case. The court refused to acknowledge the obvious links between the murderers and the state, leading to a 30,000-person strong demonstration. Three days later, Nedim, during his defence statement, made it clear he believed he was being kept in prison as part of the attempt to conceal evidence in Dink's case, saying: "Actually it is good that I am still in prison when Hrant's verdict is delivered." Not to mention the government's promotion of all the officers who have alleged ties with the murder.

Ahmet, an expert on paramilitary organisations, had written a book, Army of Imam, exploring how the intelligence service had been infiltrated by the Fethullah Gülen movement – a moderate Islamist network. "As a socialist," he said in his defence statement, "I find it condescending to be accused of being a member of militarist, nationalist terrorist network, Ergenekon." For the fifth time, Ahmet and Nedim will be forced to defend themselves in court as the case continues.

The inquiries for Ergenekon started five years ago, and despite thousands being arrested and imprisoned no verdict has been reached. According to freedom of speech advocates, the Ergenekon case, along with the KCK case – against the civil organisation linked to the armed Kurdish movement PKK – has become a handy tool for the government to harass the opposition.

Both use an infamous anti-terrorism law to get rid of government opponents. And a few days before Hrant's verdict the minister of the interior, Idris Naim Sahin, said: "Terror is a multifaceted phenomenon that includes psychology and art … Sometimes it is on canvas, sometimes in a poem, in daily articles, or even jokes. We know that terrorist cells might include a university chair, an association or a NGO."

Thanks to this mentality, Turkey is now ranked the 148th of 179 in Reporters Without Border's press freedom index – just a bit above Afghanistan and slipping down constantly. More importantly the silent fear among journalists is impossible to put into numbers; consider the 3,500 Kurdish and Turkish politicians, the 500 students and the 100 journalists who are now in jail.

Yesterday the prime minister made a statement saying that arrested journalists are not behind bars because of journalism but for their crimes of sexual harassment or terrorism. As Dink said five ago in his last article, we journalists are "like frightened doves". One killed, two imprisoned, myself unemployed – and as Nedim said in his latest defence statement: "It hurts."


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3 février 2012 5 03 /02 /février /2012 08:21

Gruppo internazionale di lavoro: «Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento in Turchia»

Una situazione critica per la libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento

Le misure di repressione governativa e gli attacchi portati alla ricerca e all’insegnamento universitario in Turchia si sono intensificati dal 2009. Hanno raggiunto un livello allarmante con l’arresto, nell’ottobre del 2011, della professoressa e politologa Büşra Ersanlı, dell’università di Marmara, del direttore della prestigiosa casa editrice Belge, Ragıp Zarakolu, del dottorando in scienze politiche, editore e traduttore Deniz Zarakolu, o dello studente di scienze politiche ventunenne Büşra Beste Önder. Sono in carcere nel quadro delle «operazioni [anti] KCK», accusati di far parte del «Raggruppamento sociale del Kurdistan» che sarebbe a capo della ribellione armata curda del PKK. Queste accuse hanno come obiettivo soltanto quello di mettere a tacere gli intellettuali indipendenti e di minacciare i ricercatori, gli universitari, gli studenti. La giustizia turca collabora a questo processo di persecuzione generalizzando la detenzione preventiva del fermo, ordinando per alcuni di loro (Ragıp et Deniz Zarakolu) il carcere in prigioni di massima sicurezza, riducendo il diritto di difesa, accanendosi contro gli accusati - come la sociologa Pinar Selek, più volte prosciolta, o i giornalisti investigativi Ahmet Șık et Nedim Șener, anche loro accusati di «terrorismo» nell’ambito del processo «Ergenekon» e tenuti in custodia cautelare - e organizzando dei processi di Stato.

Con la sistematizzazione degli arresti arbitrari dall’aprile del 2009 e delle accuse di «appartenere a un’organizzazione terrorista» si prende di mira la possibilità stessa di condurre delle ricerche indipendenti in Turchia e di comunicarne gli esiti all’università e all’opinione pubblica. Il lavoro regolare dei ricercatori, dei professori, degli studenti, dei traduttori, degli editori, diventa pericoloso, con una minaccia costante per la loro incolumità fisica, professionale e morale. La loro libertà di lavoro e di esistenza è negata, e al tempo stesso è messa in pericolo la libertà di pensiero e di espressione da cui proviene. Quasi settanta giornalisti sono in carcere in Turchia per avere semplicemente fatto il loro mestiere, e a loro si aggiungono le migliaia di prigionieri di opinione arrestati nel quadro di procedimenti fuorilegge del KCK “che hanno condotto a circa 8000 fermi e a 4000 incriminazioni. Ogni settimana si aggiungono alla lista decine di nomi”. (Guillaume Perrier, Le Monde, 3 novembre 2011). Non si contano più i membri arrestati del partito turco BDP - legale e presente in Parlamento. Questa considerevole repressione non tocca soltanto gli ambienti pro-curdi in Turchia. Altri intellettuali liberali vengono arrestati perché pongono domande sulle azioni del governo, sul ruolo delle organizzazioni di sensibilizzazione religiosa, sulle pratiche dell’apparato statale. Il Centro americano PEN stima in più di mille il numero di universitari, scrittori, editori e avvocati arrestati, mentre l’Associazione turca degli avvocati contemporanei (CHD) stima che 500 studenti siano in carcere.

Le scienze sociali - e oggi in particolare la scienza politica - pagano un pesante tributo a questa battaglia per la libertà scientifica e intellettuale in Turchia. Il semplice fatto di studiare e dibattere concetti come “democrazia” e “diritti umani”, il semplice fatto di pubblicare delle opere sulla diversità culturale della società turca, sulle strutture dello Stato, sulla storia delle minoranze (incluso il genocidio degli armeni) può essere ormai utilizzato contro i loro autori e farli incarcerare in attesa di un interminabile processo. Dopo essere state parzialmente ammorbidite nel primo decennio del 2000, le barriere della paura bloccano di nuovo la società turca e le sue forze intellettuali. Queste barriere possono distruggerla. L’intimidazione è dappertutto, anche al vertice dello Stato e del governo, come ricordano le dichiarazioni minacciose del Primo ministro Erdoğan, del 18 novembre a Bitlis, dirette a coloro che si interrogano sulla legalità dei tanti procedimenti penali che prendono di mira la libertà di espressione. Ricercatori, universitari, editori, traduttori, studenti, tutti coloro che danno vita all’universo scientifico e accademico di un paese devono ormai costringersi ad autocensurarsi, se vogliono sopravvivere. A meno di affrontare la polizia, la giustizia, i tribunali e i processi, per non citare le campagne di stampa insultanti e degradanti. È inaccettabile. E noi protestiamo con loro, per loro e per ciò che a loro ci unisce, il principio superiore della ricerca e dell’insegnamento.


L’iniziativa di un Gruppo internazionale di lavoro

Solidali con i nostri colleghi turchi, chiamiamo i ricercatori e gli universitari di tutto il mondo a partecipare a un “Gruppo internazionale di lavoro” (Group international de travail “GIT”) “Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento in Turchia”, e a creare delle antenne in ogni paese. Le attività del gruppo avranno luogo nel perimetro consueto delle università, delle case editrici e dei centri di ricerca. Avranno come scopo la produzione e l’articolazione fra loro delle conoscenze approfondite sullo stato delle libertà in Turchia. Si inscriveranno nelle pratiche abituali dei ricercatori, degli insegnanti, degli studenti , dei traduttori, degli editori e dei divulgatori della ricerca. Si esprimeranno attraverso incontri, conferenze e seminari incentrati sulla conoscenza e l’analisi delle condizioni generali della ricerca e dell’insegnamento in Turchia. Si tradurranno in numerosi contributi di specialisti, attraverso la produzione di un sapere inedito e attraverso la sua grande diffusione. Questo gruppo internazionale di lavoro porterà avanti una vigilanza documentaria su tutti i fatti relativi alla situazione dei ricercatori, degli universitari, degli studenti, degli editori, dei traduttori perseguitati. Lavorerà alla conoscenza dell’esercizio della libertà di espressione, della libera circolazione delle informazioni critiche o non convenzionali, e della libertà di attivismo e di associazione in Turchia, esercizio che condiziona l’esistenza di queste libertà più specifiche ma altrettanto essenziali di ricerca e di insegnamento. Esaminerà il processo di costruzione della democrazia e i blocchi con i quali si scontra la democratizzazione in Turchia, storicamente e in un contesto internazionale rinnovato dalle rivoluzioni della “primavera araba”. Si propone anche di costruire una piattaforma d’informazione, che in particolare mostri l’ampiezza dell’attuale repressione intellettuale in Turchia, e la sorte personale dei colleghi minacciati o incarcerati, e anche le questioni giuridiche, politiche, economiche, sociali relative al processo di democratizzazione. I fatti che riguardano il mondo della ricerca e dell’insegnamento in Turchia saranno confrontati alla situazione generale delle libertà intellettuali e pubbliche nel paese, ma anche a casi simili che hanno colpito o colpiscono altri paesi, e alle ricadute scientifiche e universitarie nel mondo.

Formato da ricercatori, universitari, studenti, traduttori, editori, uniti in questa comunità di principi e di pratiche, il Gruppo internazionale di lavoro “Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento in Turchia” funzionerà come un centro di ricerca che diffonda, con un linguaggio accessibile, i risultati delle sue inchieste. La mediazione delle attività del GIT sarà assicurata attraverso ogni mezzo a disposizione dei suoi membri, pubblicazioni scientifiche, quaderni di ricerca su internet, incontri, conferenze e tavole rotonde etc., e tutti questi dati verranno ampiamente ripresi dalla stampa generalista e dai grandi media. Saranno create delle antenne del GIT in tutti i paesi. Ognuna di esse funzionerà autonomamente secondo i principi di lavoro, di etica e di obiettivi descritti in precedenza. La loro messa in rete tradurrà la forza e l’efficacia del GIT “Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento in Turchia”. Questo modello empirico di associazione accademica internazionale potrà considerare, con altri colleghi che ne prendano l’iniziativa, di agire, attraverso la ricerca, lo studio e la trasmissione dei saperi, su altri terreni in cui ricercatori, universitari, studenti, traduttori, editori sono minacciati nell’esercizio del loro mestiere e della loro vocazione. Altri GIT “Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento” potrebbero così nascere, concretizzando una dinamica accademica per le libertà democratiche.

La creazione del Gruppo internazionale di lavoro “Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento in Turchia” nasce da un’iniziativa di Deniz Akagül, maître de conférences all’Università di Lille-1 (economia), Samim Akgönül, maître de conférences all’Università di Strasburgo (storia e scienze politiche), Salih Akın, maître de conférences all’università di Rouen (linguistica), Marianne Baudin, professoressa all’università di Paris-13 (psicanalisi), Faruk Bilici, professore dell’INALCO (storia), Hamit Bozarslan, direttore di studi all’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales/EHESS (storia, sociologia), Cengiz Cağla, professore invitato all’EHESS (scienze politiche), Renée Champion, ricercatrice del CHISM/EHESS (letteratura araba e storia delle donne), Etienne Copeaux, storico delle Turchia, Philippe Corcuff, maître de conférences all’Institut d’études politiques di Lione (scienze politiche), Yves Déloye, professore a Sciences Po Bordeaux e all’università Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (scienze politiche), segretario generale dell’Association française de science politique, Gilles Dorronsoro, professore all’università Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (scienze politiche), Vincent Duclert, professore all’EHESS (storia), Paul Dumont, professore all’università di Strasburgo (storia), Ragıp Ege, professore all’università di Strasburgo (economia), Gulçin Erdinç Lelandais, dottore dell’EHESS, Marie Curie Fellow, università di Warwick (sociologia), Didier Francfort, professore all’università di Nancy-II (storia), Zeynep Gambetti, dottore dell’università Paris-VII (filosofia politica), Eric Geoffroy, maître de conférences all’università di Strasburgo (studi arabi e islamici), Nilüfer Göle, direttrice di studi all’EHESS (sociologia), Diana Gonzalez, dottoressa dell’EHESS (sociologia, estetica),  Gérard Groc, ricercatore associato all’IREMAN/CNRS (storia), Deniz Günce Demirhisar, dottoranda all’EHESS e ATER all’università Paris 13 (sociologia), Ali Kazancigil, co-direttore della rivista Anatoli (scienze politiche), Iclal Incioglu, dottorando all’università Paris 7 (psicologia sociale), Lilian Mathieu, direttore di ricerca al CNRS, ENS di Lione (sociologia), Claire Mouradian, direttrice di ricerca al CNRS (storia), Christophe Prochasson, direttore di studi all’EHESS (storia), Daniel Rottenberg, dottore in medicina, dottorando all’università de Strasburgo (storia), Emine Sarikartal, dottoranda all’università Paris-Ouest, traduttrice ed editrice (filosofia), Ferhat Taylan, dottorando all’università di Bordeaux e traduttore (filosofia), Lucette Valensi, direttrice di studi all’EHESS (storia), Murat Yıldızoğlu, professore all’università di Bordeaux (economia).

Questo gruppo ha fondato a Parigi una prima antenna del GIT il 21 novembre 2011.

Per aderire all’antenna francese del Gruppo internazionale di lavoro «Libertà di ricerca e d’insegnamento in Turchia», o per creare un’antenna nel mondo contattate Hamit Bozarslan, Cengiz Cağla, Yves Déloye, Vincent Duclert, Diana Gonzalez o Ferhat Taylan : hamit.bozarslan@ehess.frccagla2002@yahoo.com,  yvesdeloye@hotmail.com, duclert@ehess.frdiana.gonzalez2@wanadoo.frferhattaylan@gmail.com

Due siti internet vi daranno ulteriori informazioni: www.gitinitiative.com che presenta l’iniziativa a livello internazionale, federa le antenne dei diversi paesi, raccoglie i lavori e rende conto delle azioni passate, presenti e future, e www.gitfrance.fr per l’antenna creata in Francia contestualmente alla nascita del GIT.

Translation and contact : Giacomo Cuva, historien, Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, giacocu@yahoo.it

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3 février 2012 5 03 /02 /février /2012 08:19

ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΟΜΑΔΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ: «Ακαδημαϊκή και Ερευνητική Ελευθερία στην Τουρκία»

Μια κρίσιμη κατάσταση για την ακαδημαϊκή και ερευνητική ελευθερία

Τα κυβερνητικά μέτρα καταπίεσης και οι επιθέσεις ενάντια στην ακαδημαϊκή έρευνα, διδασκαλία, μετάφραση και εκδοτική δραστηριότητα στην Τουρκία έχουν εντατικοποιηθεί από το 2009 και μετά. Έχουν φτάσει, δε, σε οριακό σημείο, μετά και τη σύλληψη των: Busra Ersanli, καθηγητή στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Μαρμαρά και πολιτικού επιστήμονα, Ragib Zarakolu, ιδιοκτήτη και αρχισυντάκτη του επιφανούς εκδοτικού οίκου Belge, και του 21-χρονου φοιτητή Πολιτικών Επιστημών, Beste Onder. Οι προαναφερθέντες έχουν τεθεί υπό κράτηση στο πλαίσιο των «επιχειρήσεων κατά του KCK», με την κατηγορία της συμμετοχής στην Ένωση Κουρδικών Κοινοτήτων (ΕΚΚ), μια οργάνωση που φέρεται να πρόσκειται στο ένοπλο Εργατικό Κόμμα του Κουρδιστάν (PKK). Αυτές οι κατηγορίες έχουν ως μοναδικό στόχο να φιμώσουν τους ανεξάρτητους διανοούμενους και να απειλήσουν ερευνητές, ακαδημαϊκούς και φοιτητές. Το δικαστικό σύστημα στην Τουρκία συμβάλλει σε αυτή τη διαδικασία ποινικών διωγμών, με τη συστηματική στήριξη των κρατήσεων υπό επιτήρηση μέχρι τη δίκη και τη διαταγή φυλάκισης (όπως αυτές των Ragid και Deniz Zarakolu) σε φυλακές υψίστης ασφαλείας, μειώνοντας με αυτόν τον τρόπο τα δικαιώματα της υπεράσπισης και παρενοχλώντας τον κατηγορούμενο κατά τη διάρκεια προετοιμασίας των κρατικών δικών –όπως συνέβη στην περίπτωση του κοινωνιολόγου Pinak Selek (διώχθηκε ποινικά και απαλλάχτηκε αρκετές φορές) ή των μάχιμων δημοσιογράφων Ahmet Sik και Nedim Sener (κατηγορήθηκαν για «τρομοκρατία» στο πλαίσιο της σειράς δικών «Ergenekon» και φυλακίστηκαν).

Από τον Απρίλιο του 2009, με τη συστηματοποίηση των τυχαίων συλλήψεων και τη συνακόλουθη απόδοση κατηγοριών για «συμμετοχή σε τρομοκρατική οργάνωση», η δυνατότητα διεξαγωγής και διάδοσης της ανεξάρτητης έρευνας  σε ακαδημαϊκούς κύκλους ή για το ευρύ κοινό, βρίσκεται σε κίνδυνο. Η εργασία των ερευνητών, των καθηγητών, των φοιτητών των  μεταφραστών και των επιμελητών ενέχει πλέον σοβαρούς κινδύνους, δεδομένων των μόνιμων σωματικών, επαγγελματικών και ηθικών απειλών. Η άρση της ελευθερίας διεξαγωγής ανεξάρτητης έρευνας καταπιέζει το βασικό τους δικαίωμα να σκέφτονται και να εκφράζονται ελεύθερα. Εκτός όμως από τους ακαδημαϊκούς, σχεδόν 70 δημοσιογράφοι βρίσκονται επίσης στις φυλακές στην Τουρκία, γιατί απλώς ασκούν το επάγγελμά τους. Πρέπει επίσης να προστεθούν σε αυτά τα στοιχεία και χιλιάδες πολιτικοί κρατούμενοι που συνελήφθησαν στο πλαίσιο των «επιχειρήσεων κατά του KCK», επιχειρήσεις που οδήγησαν στην «κράτηση περισσότερων των 8000 ανθρώπων και στην απόδοση κατηγοριών σε 4000. Κάθε εβδομάδα, εκατοντάδες ονόματα προστίθενται στη λίστα» (Guillaume Perrier, Le Monde, 3 Νοεμβρίου 2011). Φυσικά, σε αυτούς τους υπολογισμούς δεν έχουν προστεθεί τα μέλη του νόμιμου τουρκικού κόμματος “BDP” (το φιλο-κουρδικό Κόμμα για την Ειρήνη και τη Δημοκρατία), με κοινοβουλευτική εκπροσώπηση, που τελούν υπό φυλάκιση, ούτε πρόκειται για μία κατάσταση που αφορά μόνο τη φιλο-κουρδική κοινότητα. Και άλλοι φιλελεύθεροι διανοούμενοι συνελήφθησαν επειδή τόλμησαν να αμφισβητήσουν τις κυβερνητικές αποφάσεις, τον ρόλο των θρησκευτικών οργανώσεων και τις πρακτικές του κρατικού συστήματος. Σύμφωνα με τις εκτιμήσεις του αμερικανικού σκέλους του PEN, περισσότεροι από χίλιοι ακαδημαϊκοί, συγγραφείς, αρθρογράφοι, και δικηγόροι έχουν συλληφθεί, ενώ και ο Τουρκικός Σύλλογος Νέων Δικηγόρων («CHD») υπολογίζει τον αριθμό των φυλακισθέντων φοιτητών σε 500. 

Η καταπίεση της επιστημονικής ελευθερίας και της ελευθερίας της σκέψης στην Τουρκία, καταφέρει ισχυρό πλήγμα στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες –και ειδικότερα στην πολιτική επιστήμη. Οι διανοούμενοι απειλούνται με αστυνομική κράτηση για αδιευκρίνιστο χρονικό διάστημα μέχρι τη διεξαγωγή της δίκης τους, απλώς και μόνο εξαιτίας της μελέτης, της συζήτησης εννοιών όπως «δημοκρατία» και «ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα», της έκδοσης βιβλίων σχετικών με την πολιτισμική ετερότητα της τουρκικής κοινωνίας, τη δομή του Κράτους, ή την ιστορία των μειονοτήτων (συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της γενοκτονίας των Αρμενίων). Μετά το περιορισμένο διάστημα επιείκειας που ίσχυσε στο πρώτο μέρος της δεκαετίας 2000-2010, οι τακτικές εκφοβισμού έχουν παραλύσει για μια ακόμη φορά την τουρκική κοινωνία και τους διανοούμενούς της. Θα μπορούσαν, δε, να επιφέρουν μόνιμη διατάραξη της ισορροπίας τους.  Ο εκφοβισμός πηγάζει από παντού, ακόμη και από τα υψηλότερα κρατικά και κυβερνητικά κλιμάκια, όπως πιστοποίησαν και οι δηλώσεις του πρωθυπουργού Erdogan στις 12 Νοεμβρίου στην πόλη Bitlis, εναντίον όσων αμφισβητούν την νομιμότητα των μηνύσεων που ασκήθηκαν πρόσφατα. Οι ερευνητές, οι καθηγητές, οι αρθρογράφοι, οι μεταφραστές, οι φοιτητές –όλοι όσοι δίνουν ζωή στον ακαδημαϊκό και επιστημονικό τομέα- πρέπει, από δω και πέρα, να αυτοπεριορίζονται και να αυτολογοκρίνονται, εάν θέλουν να επιζήσουν. Το λιγότερο που ενδέχεται να αντιμετωπίσουν, είναι αντίποινα από την αστυνομία, το δικαστικό σύστημα, δικαστήρια και δίκες, για να μην αναφερθούμε στις υποτιμητικές και δυσφημιστικές καμπάνιες του Τύπου. Αυτό είναι απαράδεκτο. Διαμαρτυρόμαστε μαζί με αυτούς, για αυτούς και για ό,τι μας ενώνει μαζί τους, την υψηλή αξία της ακαδημαϊκής και επιστημονικής ελευθερίας.

Πρωτοβουλία για μια Διεθνή Ομάδα Εργασίας και Έρευνας 

Σε αλληλεγγύη με τους συναδέλφους μας στην Τουρκία, καλούμε ερευνητές και ακαδημαϊκούς σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, να συμμετάσχουν σε μια «Διεθνή Ομάδα Εργασίας» (Group International de Travail, “GIT”) με την ονομασία “Ακαδημαϊκή και Ερευνητική Ελευθερία στην Τουρκία», και να δημιουργήσουν παραρτήματα στις δικές τους χώρες. Οι δραστηριότητες θα λάβουν χώρα στο πλαίσιο των καθιερωμένων πανεπιστημιακών, εκδοτικών και ερευνητικών παραμέτρων και πρακτικών. Στόχος των δραστηριοτήτων των διεθνών ομάδων θα είναι η παραγωγή συγκεκριμένης γνώσης σχετικά με την κατάσταση των πολιτικών ελευθεριών στην Τουρκία. Αυτές οι δραστηριότητες θα πραγματοποιηθούν μέσω συναντήσεων, συνεδρίων και σεμιναρίων ώστε να αναλυθούν οι γενικές συνθήκες έρευνας και διδασκαλίας (στην Τουρκία). Αποτέλεσμα αυτών, θα είναι η συμμετοχή και συνεισφορά πολυάριθμων ειδικών και η ευρεία διάδοσή τους μέσω επιστημονικών δημοσιεύσεων, διαδικτυακών τόπων, συμποσίων, συνεδρίων, στρογγυλών τραπεζών και των ΜΜΕ. Αυτή η διεθνής ομάδα θα αποτελέσει ταυτόχρονα και «ομάδα επαγρύπνησης», διερευνώντας όλα τα αποδεδειγμένα γεγονότα που αφορούν την κατάσταση των διωκόμενων ερευνητών, ακαδημαϊκών, φοιτητών αρθρογράφων και μεταφραστών. Θα ενημερώνεται για τις πρακτικές της ελεύθερης έκφρασης και διάδοσης της ενημέρωσης (τόσο της κριτικής, όσο και της μη-συμβατικής ενημέρωσης), καθώς και για την ελευθερία συνασπισμού στην Τουρκία, οι οποίες διασφαλίζουν την –πιο συγκεκριμένη, πλην όμως απαραίτητη- ακαδημαϊκή και ερευνητική ελευθερία.   Η ομάδα θα εξετάσει τις πρακτικές δόμησης της δημοκρατίας στην Τουρκία και τα εμπόδια που συναντώνται, τόσο σε επίπεδο συγκεκριμένων ιστορικών  συνθηκών στην Τουρκία, όσο και στο πρόσφατο διεθνές συγκείμενο της «Αραβικής Άνοιξης». Επιπλέον, προτείνεται η δημιουργία μιας πληροφοριακής πλατφόρμας που θα αποκαλύπτει το εύρος της καταπίεσης της σκέψης στην Τουρκία, θα παρακολουθεί τις προσωπικές υποθέσεις των συναδέλφων που τελούν υπό το καθεστώς απειλών ή φυλάκισης, και θα εξετάζει τα νομικά, πολιτικά, οικονομικά και κοινωνικά ζητήματα που αφορούν στη διαδικασία του εκδημοκρατισμού. Αναλύοντας την κατάσταση στην Τουρκία, η ομάδα θα εξετάσει παράλληλα την εφαρμογή αυτών των ζητημάτων και σε άλλες χώρες.

Παραρτήματα της Διεθνούς Ομάδας Εργασίας (Group International de Travail, “GIT”): “Ακαδημαϊκή και Ερευνητική Ελευθερία στην Τουρκία» θα δημιουργηθούν σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Καθένα από αυτά θα λειτουργεί ανεξάρτητα, σύμφωνα με την ερευνητική ηθική, τις πρακτικές και τις αρχές που αναφέρθησαν παραπάνω. Η ισχυρή δικτύωση αυτών των διεθνών ομάδων θα αποτελέσει τη δύναμη και την αποτελεσματικότητά τους. Η GIT, ως εμπειρικό μοντέλο μιας διεθνούς ακαδημαϊκής οργάνωσης, θα στρέψει την έρευνά της και σε άλλες χώρες όπου απειλείται η ακαδημαϊκή και ερευνητική ελευθερία. Η κινητοποίηση και άλλων κέντρων της GIT θα δώσει φωνή στις ανησυχίες και στην ενεργή συμμετοχή ακαδημαϊκών από όλο τον κόσμο, που απαιτούν οικουμενικές, δημοκρατικές και κοινωνικές ελευθερίες.

Οι ιδρυτές της GIT στη Γαλλία:

H Διεθνής Ομάδα Εργασίας (GIT): «Ακαδημαϊκή και Ερευνητική Ελευθερία στην Τουρκία», δημιουργήθηκε με πρωτοβουλία των: Dr. Samim Akgönül, (Αναπληρωτής καθηγητής Ιστορίας και Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Salih Akın, (Αναπληρωτής καθηγητής Γλωσσολογίας, Université de Rouen), Dr. Marianne Baudin (Καθηγήτρια Ψυχανάλυσης, Université de Paris 13), Dr. Faruk Bilici (Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, INALCO), Dr. Hamit Bozarslan (Καθηγητής Ιστορίας και Κοινωνιολογίας, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales/EHESS), Dr. Cengiz Cağla (Επισκέπτης Καθηγητής Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, EHESS), Dr. Renée Champion (Ερευνήτρια, Αραβική Λογοτεχνία και Σπουδές του Φύλου, CHSIM/EHESS), Dr. Etienne Copeaux (Ιστορικός,Τουρκικές σπουδές), Dr. Philippe Corcuff (Αναπληρωτής καθηγητής Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Sciences Po Lyon), Dr. Yves Deloye, Καθηγητής Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Sciences Po Bordeaux and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Γενικός Γραμματέας της Γαλλικής Ένωσης Πολιτικής Επιστήμης), Dr. Gilles Dorronsoro (Καθηγητής Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Dr. Vincent Duclert (Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, EHESS), Dr. Paul Dumont (Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Ragıp Ege (Καθηγητής Οικονομικών, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Gulçin Erdinç Lelandais (Διδάκτωρ Κοινωνιολογίας, EHESS, Υπότροφος Marie Curie, University of Warwick), Dr. Didier Francfort (Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, Université de Nancy-II), Dr. Zeynep Gambetti (Διδάκτωρ Πολιτικής Φιλοσοφίας, Université de Paris-VII), Dr. Eric Geoffroy (Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Αραβικών και Ισλαμικών Σπουδών, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Nilüfer Göle, (Καθηγητής Κοινωνιολογίας, EHESS), Dr. Diana Gonzalez (Διδάκτωρ Κοινωνιολογίας και Αισθητικής, EHESS), Dr. Gérard Groc (Ερευνητής Ιστορίας, IREMAN/CNRS), Deniz Günce Demirhisar (Υποψήφια Διδάκτωρ Κοινωνιολογίας, EHESS and ATER, Université de Paris 13), Dr. Ali Kazancigil (Συνδιευθύνει το περιοδικό πολιτικής επιστήμης Anatoli), Iclal Incioglu (Υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρ Πολιτικής Ψυχολογίας, Université de Paris-VII), Dr. Lilian Mathieu (Διευθύντρια Ερευνών, CNRS, ENS de Lyon, Κοινωνιολογία), Dr. Claire Mouradian (Διευθύντρια Ερευνών CNRS, ENS Lyon, Ιστορία), Dr. Christophe Prochasson (Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, EHESS), Dr. Daniel Rottenberg, M.D. (Υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρ Ιστορίας, Université de Strasbourg), Emine Sarikartal (Υποψήφια Διδάκτωρ Φιλοσοφίας, μεταφράστρια και επιμελήτρια, Université de Paris-Nanterre), Ferhat Taylan (Υποψήφια Διδάκτωρ Φιλοσοφίας και μεταφράστρια, Université de Bordeaux), Dr. Lucette Valensi (Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, EHESS), Dr. Murat Yıldızoğlu (Καθηγητής Οικονομικών, Université de Bordeaux).


Το πρώτο παράρτημα της GIT εγκαινιάστηκε στο Παρίσι, στις 21 Νοεμβρίου 2011.

Οποιος επιθυμεί να συμμετάσχει στο γαλλικό παράρτημα της Διεθνούς Ομάδας Εργασίας (GIT): «Ακαδημαϊκή και Ερευνητική Ελευθερία στην Τουρκία», ή να ιδρύσει παράρτημα στη δική του χώρα, παρακαλείται να επικοινωνήσει με τους: Hamit Bozarslan, Cengiz Cağla, Yves Déloye, Vincent Duclert, Diana Gonzalez or Ferhat Taylan, at: hamit.bozarslan@ehess.fr, ccagla2002@yahoo.com, yvesdeloye@hotmail, duclert@ehess.fr, diana.gonzalez2@wanadoo.fr, ferhattaylan@gmail.com.

Translation and contact : Vasiliki Petsa, doctorante en littérature à l'université d'Athènes, basiapetsa@hotmail.com 

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2 février 2012 4 02 /02 /février /2012 14:42

FEBRUARY 1, 2012, 12:14 PM

Paul Auster Responds After Turkish Prime Minister Calls Him ‘an Ignorant Man’


Todd Heisler/The New York Times Paul Auster


The publication in Turkey of a new work by Paul Auster — even before it is released in the United States — would seem to be a cause for celebration there. But instead it has provoked a war of words between Mr. Auster, who has used the occasion to call attention to human rights violations in that country, and the Turkish prime minister, Tayyip Erdogan, who mocked the author as “an ignorant man.”


Paul Auster replied in a statement, saying:

Whatever the Prime Minister might think about the state of Israel, the fact is that free speech exists there and no writers or journalists are in jail. According to the latest numbers gathered by International PEN, there are nearly one hundred writers imprisoned in Turkey, not to speak of independent publishers such as Ragip Zarakolu, whose case is being closely watched by PEN Centers around the world. All countries are flawed and beset by myriad problems, Mr. Prime Minister, including my United States, including your Turkey, and it is my firm conviction that in order to improve conditions in our countries, in every country, the freedom to speak and publish without censorship or the threat of imprisonment is a sacred right for all men and women.

            Copyright 2012 The New York Times Company


Read more on : http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/01/paul-auster-responds-after-turkish-prime-minister-calls-him-an-ignorant-man/

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1 février 2012 3 01 /02 /février /2012 23:27

Akademik Özgürlükler için Birleşme Çağrısı


GIT - Türkiye


Türkiye’de Araştırma ve Öğretim Özgürlüğü

Uluslararası çalışma grubu


Türkiye’nin toplumsal ve siyasal tarihindeki temel meselelerle yüzleşmek, hesaplaşmak ve yeni siyasal çözümler üretmek zorunda olduğu bu dönemde, bilimsel araştırma ve her türlü düşünsel etkinliğin, akademik eğitim ve bilgi aktarımının  özgürce yapılabilmesi ve kamusal tartışmayı besleyebilmesi daha da fazla önem kazanmıştır.

Hal böyle iken, bilim insanları olarak bizler, siyasal ve toplumsal iktidar odaklarının üniversiteler üzerindeki etki ve baskısının vahim derecede artmış olduğunu gözlemliyoruz. Öğrencilerin, öğretim elemanlarının, gazeteci ve yayıncıların gözaltına alınması ve tutuklanması; öğretim elemanlarına yönelik idari soruşturmalar; araştırmacılara yönelik doğrudan veya dolaylı engellemeler; eğitimin ticarileşmesi çerçevesinde yaratılan güvensizlik ve kırılganlık şeklinde ortaya çıkan baskılar, akademisyenlerin ve akademik faaliyetin itibarsızlaştırılmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu itibarsızlaştırma, özellikle tabulaştırılmış konularda çalışan ve ders veren akademisyenlerin düşünsel ve toplumsal varoluş imkânlarını ciddi anlamda kısıtlamaktadır. Acil çözüm bekleyen konularda bilgi üretimi ve paylaşımının gerçekleşememesi, Türkiye’nin en can alıcı sorunlarının çözümü önünde de engel teşkil etmektedir. Oysa ağır toplumsal ve siyasal bedelleri olan pek çok sorunun aşılması, özgür ifade ve araştırma ortamının güvence altına alınmasına bağlıdır.

Biz aşağıda imzası bulunan akademisyenler, tüm akademik unvan ve kadrolardaki bilim insanı ve öğretim elemanlarını Türkiye’de Araştırma ve Öğretim Özgürlüğü Uluslararası Çalışma Grubu’na (GITTürkiye) imzalarıyla katılmaya ve katkılarını sunmaya çağırıyoruz. Fransa, Kuzey Amerika, İngiltere, İsviçre ve Almanya’da kurulan uluslararası çalışma grupları ağının bir parçası olarak GITTürkiye, Türkiye’de çeşitli baskılar altında kalan akademisyenlerin, öğretim elemanlarının ve araştırmacıların maruz kaldıkları baskı ve engellemeler konusunda belgelere dayalı bir bilgi akışı sağlayacak, eğitim ve araştırma koşulları üzerine konferanslar, seminerler, paneller ve basın toplantıları düzenleyecek, bulgularını internet ve basın kanalıyla kamuoyuna sunacaktır. Eğitim ve araştırma faaliyeti kısıtlanarak benzer baskılara maruz kalan öğrenciler, çevirmenler, editörler ve gazetecilerle dayanışma içinde, Türkiye’deki düşünce insanlarının karşı karşıya kaldığı tahakküme karşı mücadele edecektir.

Özgür bilgi üretimi ve paylaşımının zeminini inşa etme gücünü birbirimizde bulmanın zamanı gelmiştir.


Prof. Dr. Füsun Üstel (Galatasaray Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Durakbaşa (Marmara Üniv.)

Doç. Dr. Zeynep Gambetti (Boğaziçi Üniv.)

Doç. Dr. Ferda Keskin (Bilgi Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Günay Göksu Özdoğan (Marmara Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Ahmet İnsel (Galatasaray Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Mesut Yeğen (Şehir Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Ümit Cizre (Şehir Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Levent Köker (Atılım Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar (Ankara Üniv.)

Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran

Prof. Dr. İştar Gözaydın (Doğuş Üniv.)



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Zeynep Gambetti: zgambetti@gmail.com

Nesrin Uçarlar: nesrinucarlar@gmail.com



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http://gitturkiye.com Türkiye grubunun web sitesidir.


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15 janvier 2012 7 15 /01 /janvier /2012 21:38

January 15, 2012 : Updated Third list of signatures for the GIT’s Inaugural Declaration (November 21, 2011) Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research in Turkey


A new list will be published February 15, 2012


Dr. Ali Akay (Professor, Mimar Sinan University Istanbul Turkey, Sociology), Mustafa Akçınar (Ph.D Candidate, METU Turkey, Sociology), Karabekir Akkoyunlu (Ph.D Candidate, London School of EconomicsHoughton, Government Studies), Serhun Al (Ph.D Candidate, University of Utah USA, Political Science), Rojda Alaç (Ph.D Candidate, EHESS France), Ekim Arbatlı (Ph.D Candidate, University of Connecticut USA), Mert Arslanalp (Ph.D. Candidate, Northwestern University USA, Political Science), Dr. Senem Aslan (Assistant Professor, Bates College USA, Politics), Dr. Șükrü Aslan (Lecturer, Mimar Sinan University Turkey, Sociology), Dr. Mehmet Asutay (Reader, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University UK, Political Economy), Ebru Avcı (Music Teacher, Social Science Institute of Istanbul Technical University Turkey), Dr. Ergun Aydınoğlu (Yildiz University Turkey), Dr. Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche (Associate Professor, University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 France, Public Law), Dr. Annette Becker (Professor, Paris-Ouest University France, History), Dr. Kimberly W. Benston (Professor, Haverford College USA, English), Dr. Olivier Bouquet (Assistant Professor, University of Nice France, History), Dr. Hans Branscheidt (EUTCC / MESOP, Frankfurt Germany), Dr. Davide Caddedu (Associate Professor, Milano University Italy, Political Philosophy), Başak Çandar (Graduate Student, University of Michigan USA), Dr. Lieven De Cauter (Professor, Mediaschool Rits Brussels Belgium, Architecture and Urban Planning), Dr. Lorella Cedroni (Professor, La Sapienza University Italy, Political Theory), Dr. Maurizio Cermel (Professor, Ca' Foscari University Venice Italy, Law), Dr. Christophe Charle (Professor, University of Paris-I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, History), Murat Dağ (Ph.D Candidate, University of California Berkeley USA), Dr. Ayşe Dayi (Assistant Professor, Towson University USA & Founder and Collective Board Member, Center for Transnational Women's Issues), Dr. Yonça Demir (Assistant Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University Turkey, Business Administration), Dr. Lisa DiCarlo (Assistant Professor, Brown University, Anthropology), Sedef Ecer (Writer, Paris France), Dr. Omnia El Shakry (Associate Professor, University of California USA, History), Berk Esen (Ph. D Candidate, Cornell University USA, Turkish and Latin American Politics), Bahar Sahin Firat (Ph. D Candidate, Bosphorus University Turkey, Political Science), Dr. Bulent Gokay (Professor, Keele University UK, International Relations), Sinan Goknur (Ph.D Candidate, University of Minnesota USA, Computer Engineering and Collaborative Arts), Nisa Goksel (Ph.D. Candidate, Northwestern University, Sociology), Azat Zana Gundoğan (Ph.D Candidate, Binghamton University New York USA, Sociology), Tuncay Gurhan (Ph.D Candidate, University of Vienna Austria, Philosophy), Dr. Corry Guttstadt (Independent Scholar, Germany, History  & Turcology), Dr. İlker İnmez (Assistant Professor, Kocaeli University, Economics), Dr. Dietrich Jung (Professor, Center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, Denmark), Dr. Abbas Karakaya (Lecturer, University of Kansas in Lawrence USA, Turkish Language and Literature), Dr. Nükhet Kardam (Professor, Middlebury College USA, International Policy), Dr. Sossie Kasbarian (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh UK, Advanced Study of the Arab World), Erdal Kaynal (Ph.D candidate, EHESS France, History), Dr. Janroj Keles (Lecturer and Research Fellow, Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University UK, Social Sciences), Dr. Raymond Kevorkian (Professor, Institut français de Géopolitique, History), Ebru Kılıç (Literary Translator, İstanbul Turkey), Dr. Nurten Kılıç-Schubel (Assistant Professor, Kenyon College, Gambier Ohio USA, History), Deniz Kilincoğlu (Ph. D Candidate, Princeton University USA, Near Eastern Studies), Dr. Janet Klein (Associate Professor, University of Akron USA, History), Dr. Şükrü Ekin Kocabaş (Assistant Professor, Koç University Turkey, Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Dr. Levent Koker (Professor, Atılım University Ankara Turkey, Law), Onder Kucukural (Ph.D. Candidate, Sabanci University Turkey), Dr. Timur Kuran (Professor, Duke University USA, Economics), Dr. Daniella Kuzmanovic (Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen Denmark, Turkish Studies), Dr. Tito Marci (Professor, La Sapienza University Italy, Sociology of Law), Dr. Michel Marian (Assistant Professor, Sciences Po Paris France, Philosophy), Dr. Murat Cem Menğuc (Assistant Professor, Seton Hall University, History), Hakeem Naim (Ph.D Candidate, University of California Davis USA, History), Özden Ocak (Ph.D Candidate, George Mason University USA, Cultural Studies), Dr. Kader Konuk (Associate Professor, University of Michigan USA, German Studies and Comparative Literature), Dr. Baskın Oran (Professor emeritus, Ankara University Turkey, Political science), Imge Oranlı (Ph.D Candidate, DePaul University USA, Philosophy), Dr. Mustafa F. Ozbilgin (Professor, Brunel University UK, Organisational Behaviour), Ulaş Özdemir (Ph.D. Candidate, Yildiz Teknik University Turkey, Music), Dr. Günay Göksu Özdoğan (Professor, Marmara University, Political Science), Dr. Hélène Piralian-Simonyan (Psychanalyst and Writer, Founding Member of AIRCRIGE France), Dr. Glenn E. Robinson (Department of Defense Analysis Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California USA), Jon Rud (Human Rights Attorney, Member of the EU Turkey Civic Commission), Ünver Rüstem (Ph.D Candidate, Harvard University USA, Art History), Esra Sarıoğlu (Ph. D Candidate, State University of New York USA, Sociology), Y. Ozan Say (Ph.D. Candidate Indiana University USA and Visiting Lecturer, Bridgewater State University USA, Anthropology), Dr. Ali Kerem Saysel (Associate Professor, Bosphorus University Turkey, Environmental Sciences), Dr. Dana Sofi (Researcher, Stockholm University Sweden, Sociology), Dr. Vernon James Schubel (Professor, Kenyon College, Gambier Ohio USA, Religious Studies), Dr. Ali C. Tasiran (Professor, Birkbeck College London UK, Economics), Dr. Yves Ternon (Historian of Armenian Genocide and Ottoman Empire), Dr. Meltem Toksöz (Bosphorus University Turkey, History), Yiğit Unan (B.S. Environmental Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Poland), Dr. Bariş Ünlü (Faculty member, Ankara University Turkey, Political Science), Dr. Beatriz Urrea (Academic, Arizona USA), Dr. Füsün Üstel (Professor, Galatasaray University Turkey, Political Science), Dr. Jeremy F. Walton (Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow, New York University, Religious Studies), Dr. Nicole F. Watts (Associate Professor, San Francisco State University USA, Political Science), Dr. Mesut Yegen (Istanbul Sehir University Turkey, Sociology), Dr. Sara Nur Yıldız (Orient-Institut Istanbul Turkey), Seçil Yılmaz (Ph.D Student, The Graduate Center CUNY USA, History), Dr. Ipek Yosmaoğlu (Assistant Professor, Northwestern University USA, History), Dr. Welat Zeydanlıoğlu (Founder and coordinator of the Kurdish Studies Network).


January 1, 2012 : Second list of signatures for the GIT’s Inaugural Declaration (November 21, 2011) Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research in Turkey


Dr. Ayca Alemdaroglu (Post-doctoral Scholar,  Stanford University USA, Anthropology), Ahmet Alis (PhD Candidate at Boðaziçi University Turkey, Guest PhD fellow at the University of Copenhagen Denmark, Modern Turkish History), Dr. Janine Altounian (researcher, translator, founding member of AIRCRIGE France, Psychoanalytic Studies), Helin Anahit (Artist and PhD Candidate in Fine Art at Middlesex University UK), Dr. Aram Arkun (Independent Scholar, Henrico USA, Armenia and The Ottoman Empire History), Dr. Cigdem Atakuman (Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University Turkey, Social Sciences), Dr. Tunc Aybak (Programme Leader, International Politics, Middlesex University UK), Dr. Osman Aytar (Senior Lecturer, Mälardalen University Sweden, Sociology), Dr. Pelin Basci (Associate Professor, Portland State University USA, Turkish Language and Literature), Dr. Jean-François Bayart (Director of research, CNRS Sciences-po France, International Relations), Dr. Derya Bayir (Independent Scholar and Lawyer UK), Dr. Avner Ben-Amos (Professor, Tel Aviv University Israel, History), Dr. Katharina Brizic (Linguist, Austrian Academy of Sciences), Dr. Martin van Bruinessen (Emeritus Professor of the Comparative Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies, Utrecht University Netherlands, Religious Studies and Theology), Dr. Jean-Paul Burdy (Associate Professor, IEP Grenoble France, History), Dr. Jacques Crémer (Professor, Toulouse School of Economics), Dr. Dominique Colas (Professor, Sciences-po France, Political Science), Dr. Ayça Çubukçu (Lecturer on Social Studies, Harvard University USA, Social Studies), Dr. Yorgos Dedes (Senior Lecturer in Turkish, SOAS UK), Dr. Mehmet Ali Dikerdem (Principal Lecturer, Middlesex University, UK), Dr. Kerem Ege (Researcher, INSA Lyon France, Physics), Dr. Deniz Ekici (Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University USA, Foreign Languages and Literature), Başak Ertür (PhD Candidate, Birkbeck College UK, Law), Dr. Howard Eissenstat (Assistant Professor, St. Lawrence University USA, History), Dr. Jean-Louis Fabiani (Professor, EHESS France, Sociology), Dr. Hervé Ferrière (Professor, IUFM-Guadeloupe France, History of Sciences), Dr. Caroline Finkel (Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh and University of Exeter UK, History), Dr. Maureen Freely (journalist, novelist, translator and professor, University of Warwick UK), Dr. Jean-Yves Frétigné (Associate Professor, University of Rouen France, History), Dr. Sylvie Gangloff (Associate Researcher, CETOBAC EHESS France, Political Science), Dr. François Georgeon (Director of research, CNRS France, History), Dr. Catherine Goldstein (Director of research, Institut Jussieu France, Mathematics), Dr. James Grehan (Associate Professor & Director Middle East Studies Center, Portland State University USA, History), Dr. André Grelon (Professor, EHESS France, Sociology), Dr. Cengiz Gunes (Associate Lecturer, The Open University UK), Aslı Gür (Ph.D Candidate, University of Michigan USA, Sociology),  Dr. Laurie Kain Hart (Stinnes Professor of Global Studies and Anthropology, Haverford College USA), Dr. Ayfer Karakaya-Stump (Asssistant Professor, College of William and Mary USA, History), Dr. Hans-Lukas Kieser (Professor, University of Zürich, History), Dr. Asli Igsiz (Assistant Professor, University of Arizona USA, Turkish Language and Literature), Dr. Henri Lombardi (Lab Besançon CNRS France, Mathématics), Dr. Yannick Lung (Professor, University Bordeaux-IV France, Economics), Dr. Laurent Mignon (University Lecturer in Turkish, University of Oxford UK), Dr. Leyla Neyzi (Professor, Sabanci University Turkey, Arts and Social Sciences), Dr. Matt Noyes (Special Lecturer, Meiji University Japan, Business Administration), Dilan Okcuoğlu (Ph.D Candidate, Queens University Canada, Political Studies), Zeynep Oguz (Ph.D Candidate, Harvard University USA, History of Art and Architecture), Dr. Kerem Öktem (Research Fellow, European Studies Centre, St Antony's College UK), Dilek Ozkan (Ph.D Candidate, University of Athens Greece, History), Dr. Mete Pamir (Independant Researcher Canada, Political Science),  Dr. Melissane Parm Schrems (Assistant Professor, St. Lawrence University USA, History), Veli Pehlivan (Ph.D candidate, EHESS France, Sociology), Dr. Jean Quataert (Professor, Binghamton University State University of New York USA, History), Dr. Jim Ritter (Institut Jussieu France, Mathematics), Dr. Dalita Roger-Hacyan (Associate Professor, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France, English Literature), Dr. Monique de Saint Martin (Professor, EHESS France, Sociology), Dr. Evren Savci (Postdoctoral Fellow, The Sexualities Project at Northwestern University USA, Sociology & Gender Studies), Inan Sevinç (Ph.D Candidate, Assistant professor, university of Strasbourg France, Law), Dr. Prakash Shah (Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Queen Mary University of London UK), Dr. Sara Shields (Professor, University of North Carolina USA, History), Kamal Soelimani (Ph.D Candidate at Columbia University USA, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies), Emmanuel Szurek (Ph.D Candidate, EHESS France, History), Dr. Baki Tezcan (Associate Professor, University of California Davis USA, History and Religious Studies), Dr. Stephane Tirard (Professor, Université de Nantes France, History of Sciences), Stephanie Tuerk (Ph.D Candidate, MIT USA, History and Architecture), Dr. Florin Turcanu (Professor, University of Bucarest Romania, History), Dr. Fatma Ulgen (Assistant Professor, Bilkent University Turkey, Communication), Dr. Mehmet Ugur (Reader in Political Economy, University of Greenwich Business School UK, International Business and Economics), Secil Uluisik (Ph.D Candidate, University of Arizona USA, History), Dr. Dilek Yankaya (Director of research, Sciences-po Paris France, Sociology), Birgul Yilmaz (Ph.D Candidate, Department of Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London UK).



The International Work Group (GIT): “Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research in Turkey” was created on the initiative of: Dr. Samim Akgönül (Associate Professor of History and Political Science, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Salih Akın (Associate Professor of Linguistics, Université de Rouen), Dr. Marianne Baudin (Professor of Psychoanalysis, Université de Paris 13), Dr. Faruk Bilici (Professor of History, INALCO), Dr. Hamit Bozarslan (Professor of History and Sociology, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales/EHESS), Dr. Cengiz Cağla (Invited Professor of Political Science, EHESS), Dr. Renée Champion (Researcher, Arab Literature and Women Studies, CHSIM/EHESS), Dr. Etienne Copeaux (Historian, Turkish Studies), Dr. Philippe Corcuff (Associate Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Lyon), Dr. Yves Déloye (Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Bordeaux and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Secretary General of the Association française de science politique), Dr. Gilles Dorronsoro (Professor of Political Science, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Dr. Vincent Duclert (Associate Professor of History, EHESS), Dr. Ragıp Ege (Professor of Economics, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Gulçin Erdinç Lelandais (Ph.D EHESS,, Sociology, Marie Curie Fellow, University of Warwick), Dr. Didier Francfort (Professor of History, Université de Nancy-II), Dr. Zeynep Gambetti (Ph.D Université de Paris-VII, Political Philosophy), Dr. Eric Geoffroy (Associate Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies, Université de Strasbourg), Dr. Nilüfer Göle (Professor of Sociology, EHESS), Dr. Diana Gonzalez (Ph.D EHESS, Sociology and Aesthetics), Dr. Gérard Groc (Researcher, History, IREMAN/CNRS), Deniz Günce Demirhisar (Ph.D Candidate EHESS, Sociology, ATER, Université de Paris 13), Dr. Ali Kazancigil (Co-director of the revue Anatoli, Political Science), Iclal Incioglu (Ph.D student, Social Psychology, Université de Paris-VII), Dr. Lilian Mathieu (Director of Research, CNRS, ENS de Lyon, Sociology), Dr. Claire Mouradian (Director of Research CNRS, History), Dr. Christophe Prochasson (Professor of History, EHESS), Dr. Daniel Rottenberg (M.D., Ph .D Candidate Université de Strasbourg, History), Emine Sarikartal (Ph.D Candidate Université de Paris-Nanterre, translator and editor, Philosophy), Ferhat Taylan (Ph.D Candidate Université de Bordeaux and translator, Philosophy), Dr. Lucette Valensi (Professor of History, EHESS), Dr. Murat Yıldızoğlu (Professor of  Economics, Université de Bordeaux).

Co-founders of GITinitiative and contacts :

Dr. Hamit Bozarslan (Professor of History and Sociology, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales/EHESS), Dr. Cengiz Cağla (Invited Professor of Political Science, EHESS), Dr. Yves Déloye, Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Bordeaux and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Secretary General of the Association française de science politique), Dr. Vincent Duclert (Associate Professor of History, EHESS), Dr. Diana Gonzalez (Ph.D EHESS, Sociology and Aesthetics), Ferhat Taylan (Ph.D Candidate Université de Bordeaux and translator, Philosophy). hamit.bozarslan@ehess.fr, ccagla2002@yahoo.com, yvesdeloye@hotmail.com,  duclert@ehess.fr, diana.gonzalez2@wanadoo.fr, ferhattaylan@gmail.com


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11 janvier 2012 3 11 /01 /janvier /2012 00:36

GIT-UK Branch was established following our first meeting on 15 December 2011. If you live in the UK and would like to take part in the activities of the group, please contact any of the following members: Dr. Cengiz Gunes (cgunes07@gmail.com); Dr. Derya Bayir (deryabayir@gmail.com); Dr. Prakash Shah ( prakash.shah@qmul.ac.uk); Dr. Kerem Oktem (kerem.oktem@sant.ac..uk).

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10 janvier 2012 2 10 /01 /janvier /2012 23:39

The co-founders of GIT Initiative (International Work Group for “Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research”) welcome the creation of GITTürkiye and their website http://gitturkiye.com/ both of which are indebted to Professor Dr. Cengiz Cağla. We send our encouragement and support to Professor Dr. Füsun Üstel who has organized the first meeting of  GITTürkiye.

Hamit Bozarslan, Cengiz Cağla, Yves Deloye, Vincent Duclert, Diana Gonzalez, Ferhat Taylan


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Gitinitiative, An International Group Of Researchers For Freedom Of Research In Turkey



Global Facebook Page :


Branch in France : www.gitfrance.fr (info.gitfrance@gmail.com)

Branch in North America : http://gitamerica.blogspot.com/ (gitamerica@yahoo.com)

Branch in UK : Dr. Cengiz Gunes (cgunes07@gmail.com) ; Dr. Derya Bayir (deryabayir@gmail.com) ; Dr. Prakash Shah (prakash.shah@qmul.ac.uk) ; Dr. Kerem Oktem (kerem.oktem@sant.ac.uk)

Branch in Switzerland : info@sfst.ch

Branch in Turkey : http://gitturkiye.com/ Dr. Zeynep Gambetti: (zgambetti@gmail.comDr. Nesrin Uçarlar (nesrinucarlar@gmail.com)

Branch in Greece : Vasiliki Petsa (bisiapetsa@hotmail.com)

Branch in Italy : http://gititalia.wordpress.com/ (git.italia@gmail.com)




